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Present tense
We are going to look at verbs and present tense in Swedish today.
The present tense describes actions happening right now. The English language distinguishes between present simple — he runs and present continuous — he is running. There is no such distinction in Swedish. Both tenses are expressed in the very same way — han springer.
Unlike other languages, the Swedish present tense does not conjugate according to numbers or person. And that is awesome! Check the verb att ha which means to have:
Att ha = to have
jag HAR — I have
du HAR — you have
hon/han HAR — she/he has
vi HAR — we have
ni HAR — You have
de HAR — they have
See the tables bellow that determine three types of verbs in the Swedish present tense. All the verbs (with some exceptions) end with the letter –R. The first group are -AR verbs (you would love this one). The so called -AR verbs are 100%…