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Plurals in Swedish
We have already learnt how to make definite and indefinite nouns. Let’s focus on plurals today. We are going to learn rules that will help us predict plural indefinite forms of nouns. Ready, steady, go!
Plurals in Swedish seem to be irregular and pretty hard to learn at first sight. In fact, they are not like that in many cases! I recommend you to learn plural forms simultaneously with singular nouns.
En nouns have ten different endings. Look at the tables below to get familiar with them.
- A into -OR
en KVINNA — KVINNOR - -E into -AR
en POJKE — POJKAR - -ARE into -ARE
en LÄKARE — LÄKARE - -ING into -AR
All rules mentioned above are very easy to follow and make the process of transformation from singular to plural smooth. The rules listed below are clear as well but could be tricky.
Not so easy-to-follow
- words with stress on the last syllable into -ER