🇸🇪 MySwedish fluency bits #66, Att ha stenkoll (på läget)

A publication of Swedish expressions that help you get fluent faster

1 min readJan 3, 2022

Hello beautiful reader ❤️. This is another chapter of our series — Swedish fluency bits. This is a series of short lessons based on native expression. I hope you will like it!


Att ha stenkoll (på läget) — To have things under control

We use this phrase when we want to ensure somebody that there is no need to worry since everything is under control. You simply say jag har koll på läget.

Det är en bra koordinator. Hon har alltid stenkoll på läget.

She is a good coordinator. She has always things under control.


🇸🇪 That is all for today. See you in the next lesson! 🇸🇪

To get the most of this lesson write down the expression three times and use it in a sentence. Combe back tomorrow and make sure that you remember the expression




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