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🇸🇪 MySwedish fluency bits #65, Det är kalas!
A publication of Swedish expressions that help you get fluent faster
Hello beautiful reader ❤️. This is another chapter of our series — Swedish fluency bits. This is a series of short lessons based on native expression. I hope you will like it!
Det är kalas! — That’s perfect!
Literally, this expression means it is party and we use it when we want to say that something is perfect.
Jag är klar med alla arbetsuppgifter du bad mig att kontrollera och korrigera. Kan jag hjälpa dig med något annat?
Nämen! Det är ju kalas! Bra jobbat, så effektivt av dig!
I am done with all the tasks you asked me to control and correct. Can I help you with anything else?
Really? That’s perfect! Well done, very efficient of you!
🇸🇪 That is all for today. See you in the next lesson! 🇸🇪
To get the most of this lesson ✅ write down the expression three times and use it in a sentence. Combe back tomorrow and make sure that you remember the expression