🇸🇪 MySwedish fluency bits #60, Att prata i mun på varandra

A publication of Swedish expressions that help you get fluent faster

1 min readAug 6, 2021

Hello beautiful reader ❤️. This is another chapter of our series — Swedish fluency bits. This is a series of short lessons based on native expression. I hope you will like it!


Att prata i mun på varandra — To talk over each other

Doing this in Sweden is rude, don’t do that. Always make sure to give others enough time to finish their sentence and react after that.

De pratar i mun på varandra och ingen hör vad den andra säger.

They talk over each other and no one hears what the other says.


🇸🇪 That is all for today. See you in the next lesson! 🇸🇪

To get the most of this lesson write down the expression three times and use it in a sentence. Combe back tomorrow and make sure that you remember the expression




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